Motorola Gives It's Gallery App A Facelift For A Fresh New Look

Motorola has been making all sorts of changes since they were acquired by Google, and the changes have been for the better. We saw last year the releases of two groundbreaking handsets, The Moto X and The Moto g, both of which were not exactly the top sellers when compared to the likes of the Galaxy S 4, but regardless of that fact the Moto X showed off that it was capable of providing a fast, functional, easy, and powerful experience on a smartphone without having to add in all sorts of the most expensive hardware, thus being able to offer the phone at a more competitive price. Speaking of competitive pricing, enter their second handset since the Google buyout, the Moto g, which basically showed the world that it is possible make a first rate handset and price it for under $200. Moto is all about offering its customers the opportunity to own and use products that won’t break their bank, but can still offer them a top quality phone.

To pair with this set of ideals, Motorola has made some changes to its brand UI offered on those two devices, as well changed up the look of their gallery app to evoke a nice clean look. The gallery on the Moto X prior to the new year was already great, but as Motorola states on their G+ post, it’s a new year, and it’s also time for a new look. Starting today, Motorola has updated their gallery app, which is available as a download from the Play Store, giving it a fresh new look that offers a gorgeous full screen immersive experience to those who love to take pictures and share them with friends and family. You can personalize your pictures with all sorts of frame and filter options, easily and quickly so you can spend less time messing with them and trying to make them look their best, and more time showing them off.



If you currently use a Moto X , Droid Ultra, Droid Mini or Droid Maxx on Android 4.4, or the Moto g, the new Motorola gallery supports your device and you can grab it or update it now. Let us know what you think of the Motorola Gallery’s “New Look” in the comments.


Source: Google+