Android 4.4.3 Update Now Rolling Out to WiFi Nexus 7 (2013); Download the ZIP Here


Last night Android 4.4.3 burst onto the scene, with factory images for the Nexus 7 (2012 and 2013 editions) WiFi-only, Nexus 4, Nexus 5 and Nexus 10 being posted on Google’s own site. As we should have expected from a minor point releases such as this, there hasn’t been too many changes with this latest version of Android, but there’s a new dialer that has been introduced with some subtle changes and we’re sure a whole raft of bugs have also been squashed with such an update. For those not au fait with using factory images, many of your favorite custom ROMs might have already been updated – or certainly being worked on – and there’s always the OTA roll out. Which, for the Nexus 7 WiFi (2013) is starting now.

Android Police were sent a tip that the new build of KitKat has started rolling out to the Nexus 7, and with that has come the URL of the OTA ZIP from Google’s own servers. Android 4.4.3 is available for the Nexus 7 (2013) as KTU84L, and if you haven’t gotten the OTA yet – Google roll these out in stages to avoid congestion – then you can just download the ZIP file here. You’ll need to be running Android 4.4.2 (KOT49H) for the update to go through, and of course, if you’re running a custom ROM, kernel or any other modifications to the system partition on your device, this OTA will fail. For those of you running a stock ROM (that’s stock stock) and have a custom recovery like TWRP, you can just install it like any other ZIP.

Right now, it’s just the WiFi version of last year’s Nexus 7 that’s getting the update, but we doubt the LTE version is too far away. Google has been working on this update for quite a while now, so we’re sure they have a roll out plan in place, so stay tight. If the update was successful for you, let us know in the comments below!