About 3 weeks ago, Google pushed out Android 4.4.3 for a slew of Nexus and Google Play Edition devices. Even Motorola has pushed out Android 4.4.3 to a few of their Moto X variants. But the one device that was left behind was the Nexus 7 2013 LTE. Today, Google is finally pushing out that update to that LTE tablet. Although it’s still behind as we have Android 4.4.4 out right now. Hopefully it won’t be too long to get Android 4.4.4 on the Nexus 7 2013 LTE though. The factory image and binaries are all available for the Nexus 7 2013 LTE right now. So far no word on the OTA being pushed out, but we should be seeing that coming very shortly, or maybe it won’t ever come and we’ll just see an OTA to Android 4.4.4? That might be a better idea, in my opinion.
If you’re that anxious to get an update on your Nexus 7 2013, you can go ahead and check out Wugfresh’s Root toolkit and you can flash the factory image yourself. Although you will need to wipe everything from your tablet, so make sure you back everything up first. Or you could just wait for the OTA to come out and sideload that when it’s available, and save yourself the hassle.
The Android 4.4.3 update was released to fix a bunch of bugs in KitKat before the next version of Android comes out, which we will be seeing the new version tomorrow at Google I/O. Then about a week later, we saw Android 4.4.4 start pushing out which had a pretty important security fix for SSL which everyone should have. Hopefully that update won’t take too long to become available. How many of you with the Nexus 7 2013 LTE have been waiting on these updates to come out for your tablet? Be sure to let us know in the comments down below.
Nexus 7 (2013) LTE Factory Image,Binaries