Sponsored Game Review: NANACA+CRASH

Description: NANACA+CRASH is a Japanese game for Android based on the popular browser game of the same name and it’s a fairly simple, yet charming and addictive game. Based around how far you can launch Taichi into the air by knocking him over on your bike, you need to select the right amount of power and the right angle in order to knock him as far as possible. It’s a simple game mechanic, but as he hits different characters as he travels down to earth, he might speed up or your run might end all together. You’ll need to try your best, time and time again in order to beat your best record.

How it Works: To get started with this, different game from the Far East, you’ll need to download NANACA+CRASH from the Play Store. After that, you’re ready to head to the tutorial and find out how to play.

When you first start playing, you’ll have to go through the tutorial, which is fairly laid back and easy to get grips with.

The general premise of the game is pretty simple and you just have to time it right.

When you hit Taichi, you’ll see him fly off into the air and he’ll keep on going depending on how hard you hit him and at which angle.

When Taichi hits certain characters, his flight will be sped up or if he hits Misato that’s it, game over.

During the game, you’ll see where the characters are waiting for you down below as well as the best record in distance.

At the end of each run, you’ll be given a high-score if you’ve managed to beat your last record.

Opinion: It’s pretty obvious that this isn’t your average type of Android game, and that sort of works in NANACA+CRASH’s favor. For Anime fans and those that just enjoy browser games that are simple and fun regardless, will really enjoy NANACA+CRASH. It’s a shame that the graphics don’t take better advantage of high-resolution displays, but the game certainly doesn’t look bad by any means. It’s simple, sure, but trying to go further than your last record can be really addictive and it’s certainly got a lot of charm to it. It could look better and hitting other characters could have more of an effect, but overall I enjoyed the change of page when playing NANACA+CRASH.


  • Speed (4/5) – No complaints here, NANACA+CRASH is a speedy game and everything runs nice and smoothly.
  • Features (3/5) – Sure, it’s a little simple and there’s not much else to do apart from beat your old high-score, but what the game has to offer is a lot of fun.
  • Theme (4/5) – It’s not the best-looking game out there, but it’s got some charm to it and Anime fans will find a lot to love here.
  • Overall (4/5) – A decent game that Otakus and Anime fans everywhere will love, NANACA+CRASH is a fun game that could do with some added features.


  • No real storyline to get swept up into, you just load it up and play.
  • Classic sort of design will remind players of time spent with browser games and such.
  • Anime charm should put a smile on your face at how crazy the game looks.
  • Simple, yet addictive gameplay will have you coming back time after time.


  • Graphics feel more like a PC game that’s in need of some work than anything else.
  • Extra features would be nice as the game does feel a little basic at parts.

Conclusion: NANACA+CRASH is a fun game and while it’s not going to win any awards for being packed to the gills with features, it’s certainly one to give a try and see how you like it. I wish the graphics were a little sharper and that the game had some more features to it, but it’s charming and some good fun while it lasts. Well worth giving a go, NANACA+CRASH will have you trying to beat your score over and over.