AT&T and Verizon LG G3 Variants Can Now Be Rooted

For a while we’ve had root methods for the T-Mobile LG G3 as well as the international version. But now we have root for the Verizon and AT&T versions. So it’s just Sprint being left behind in the root scene for now. But I’m sure that’ll change in the near future. In this root method we are using IOroot, which many of you may know from the LG G2, if you owned that device like myself. Currently it works for the AT&T (D850), Verizon (VS985), and other variants, but on older firmware. For others you will want to check out Purp13Dr4k3, which I used on my T-Mobile LG G3 over the weekend and it worked great. It was pretty simple as well.

It’s actually pretty simple to root your LG G3 on Verizon or AT&T with IOroot, but you will need to have some ADB knowledge. I’m sure in a few days we’ll have a root toolkit available that will make it much easier though. It’s important to remember that rooting does void your warranty, but it is pretty simple to unroot as well, which I’ve also already done myself. For those that need a little extra visuals here, DroidModderX has put together a video tutorial, which is at the bottom of this post.

While the LG G3 is already amazing, some do want root. Whether that be to use Xposed, or to freeze and uninstall some bloat or whatever the case may be. It’s still nice to see that we have root available for the LG G3. And once the camera mods start showing up, it’ll definitely be worth it to root the LG G3. I know the LG G2 camera mod improved the camera drastically, and it was already amazing. How many of you on Verizon or AT&T have the LG G3? How are you liking it so far? Let us know in the comments below.