AT&T Opens Pre-Orders for the Black, Black Leather and Bamboo Moto X Variants


Motorola’s latest and greatest are set to go on sale from AT&T later on today, but the company has just added a number of new variants to their pre-orders. You can no pre-order the Black Resin, Black Leather and Bamboo variants of this year’s Moto X from the AT&T website. Sadly, this doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to customize them any further, as Moto Maker isn’t set to hit AT&T just yet. Still, it’s nice that we’re now able to get our hands on the Moto X in more than just black or white without having to head on over to Moto Maker, after all sometimes there is such a thing as too much choice.

If you’re thinking about either of these three new additions, you can go ahead and take a look at AT&T’s pre-order page for the Moto X, but these will cost you a little extra. If you’re looking to buy the device outright, you’re looking at $526.00 for the phone, but if you’re thinking of signing on the dotted line, you can have one of these for as little as $99.99 and yes, they are available as part of the AT&T Next plan, too.

This year’s Moto X is an excellent follow-up to the Moto X, and one we absolutely loved in our review. By making the right changes, the right refinements and keeping that same sort of ethos that a lot of us loved about the original Moto X. It’s a great piece of hardware, and while it is a little on the larger side, you’ll quickly get used to the larger display and form-factor. Besides, that curved back really does help the device to fit nicely in the palm of your hand. So, what do you think? Has this year’s more powerful Moto X got you interested? Or are you holding for something else? Let us know in the comments below!