I hope that the Canadian Government is watching what is happening here – they talk about adding another carrier to the Big Three…I guess that will make them the Big Four…to increase “competition.” This is exactly how ‘competition’ works – one carrier designs a plan that adds the easy minutes, reduces the needed data and then tack on the word ‘Promo’ or ‘Your Choice’ or ‘Value Plan’ and call it a ‘deal.’ TELUS, only days ago launched its new ‘Your Choice’ plans that added two new voice plans that reduce the overall data available. Now Bell and Rogers are following up with their own programs.
Bell responded by launching their own non-shareable promo plans that just so happen to be on par with TELUS’ entry-level plans for data hungry smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 or the iPhone 6. The first one is called ‘Voice & Data Plus Promo 70’ that will cost you $70 a month – $50 for the 300 local minutes and $20 for only 300MB of data. The second one is their ‘Voice & Data Plus Promo 80’ that, unsurprisingly costs $80 a month – $50 for the 300 local minutes and $30 for 1.5GB of data. All of these prices are right in line with what TELUS has done on their new plans.
Rogers had to get in on the $70 a month plan as well, but has taken a little different route – they made theirs a regular part of their Share Everything plan. They are giving you an unlimited Canada calling and unlimited text messaging plan and charging $10 for 250MB of data. This works out to $10 for data + $60 for the smartphone to get you to your $70 a month. Now you can save yourself $10 a month on a ‘Smart Pick’ or value phone, or if you Bring Your Own device (BYOD)…in both cases, those options will cost you $60 a month.
Please hook up with us on our Google+ Page to discuss what you think about the new plans or the carrier plans in Canada overall. Do you think that adding another larger carrier to the mix will really add more competition or simply add another carrier that dictates pricing…as always, we would love to hear from you.