Google has their hands in plenty of technology driven projects these days, from Google Glass, Project Loon(WiFi distributed from balloons over locale)smart contact lenses and the infamous self driving car. There are many other projects but really too many to name them all. The latest development and innovation from the Mountain View based search giant is a smart spoon that aims to help those who suffer from Parkinson’s Disease and essential tremors, reduce the shaking in their hands by up to 76%. Anyone who has ever seen Parkinson’s or someone with essential tremors first hand knows how bad it can get, and one could only imagine how hard it must be for those affected by the disease. Imagine trying to eat when you can’t even hold your silverware straight.
Google’s new smart spoon, termed the Liftware Spoon, aids individuals with shaky hands by attempting to make corrections and adjustments to keep the spoon straight. Google has helped develop the device to sense shaky movements using tons of algorithms and adjust the settings accordingly. Google says that spoon can help reduce the shaking by up to 76%, making it easier to handle and making the task of eating easier. The technology is built into the handle of the spoon which intelligently senses the shaking in the hand, and making adjustments as needed to balance out the spoon bowl.
The Liftware Spoon is also battery operated and can be used for multiple meals, is easily portable so you can take it with you pretty much anywhere, and when it needs a charge it can be placed on a tiny dock to regain battery power. Lift Labs who has engineered and developed the spoon is now part of the Google’s X arm, having been bought by Google earlier on in 2014. With Parkinson’s and essential tremors affecting more than 10 million people on a global scale, something like this can really change the way people interact with their meals and make what might have once been a daunting task simple again. The Liftware Spoon is now out of development and available, costing $295. While this is still not a cure for tremors or Parkinson’s, it is something that can help people more easily live with those ailments.