Rumor: Samsung Allegedly Confirms The Release Of Android Lollipop To Devices In January

If you’re a Samsung device owner and are ready and waiting for the update to the latest version of Android software, it appears you won’t be waiting much longer. A post on reddit from a person that claims to be an employee of Samsung has outed that Samsung is gearing up(pun intended, I know.. bad puns are bad)for a release of Android Lollipop on multiple devices in January. That’s literally just in the next few days, of course that doesn’t mean we should expect updates to start flowing on January 1st. The alleged employee states that he received this news from Samsung internally by email asking that employees begin preparing store devices for the lollipop update(image below of the email screenshot that was uploaded)and further states which devices Samsung plans to attack first with the software upgrade.

Perhaps unsurprisingly and according to this post, the Samsung Galaxy S5 will be the first device that Samsung focuses on for the launch of this software, followed by the Galaxy Note 4 and the Galaxy Note Edge, succeeded by the Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy S4 which are last year’s models. Following that set of devices Samsung will reportedly move to upgrading tablets, although the post on reddit makes no mention of which tablets specifically those might be.

There wasn’t much else in terms of details like exact timeframe, although the redditer did state that they have been instructed to tell people that Lollipop is “coming soon” as a response for answering questions about the update. Whether or not this pans out to be true remains to be seen but January is only a few days away, and it’s entirely possible that we could see the updates hit devices as soon as the end of this week, although don’t quote me on that as I’m merely speculating. This if anything other than alerting us to the Lollipop upgrade being this coming month, gives Samsung users a reason to keep a watchful eye on their status bars to see of the OTA comes through. The poster also made a point to acknowledge people’s questions on reddit in response to his post, and that they will answer anything they can as more information comes in. You can find the link to the reddit post below if you want to join the conversation.