If you’ve been following this thread over on Reddit, then you probably know all about this. But there is a Samsung rep over there going by the name of SamsungRep2015, who has stated that there are several prototypes of the Galaxy S6 currently being looked at and worked one. One is said to be similar to the Galaxy Note Edge with the curved edge on one side, and the other is said to have curves on both sides. This isn’t really new, as we’ve heard this before. But it is refreshing to hear it again, not to mention it makes it even more likely to be true. Since it’s from another source.
The juicy part is this quote though:
“As far as legacy features, in not 100% sure what is being brought forward, mostly because they didn’t just do a patch to the newest release from their existing codebase like usual, they built it from scratch”
This is in regards to Touchwiz, Samsung’s skin that they put on top of Android. For a while now, we’ve been complaining and giving Samsung crap for their skin, because it’s heavy, bloated and slows down their phones. But according to this Samsung employee, it looks like Samsung is building Touchwiz from scratch this time around. Instead of just patching to the newest release in their existing codebase. Which is actually a big deal. As it means that Samsung is finally getting away from using those Gingerbread resources – which is the major reason that their phones are slow and laggy. It also means they’ll be using the newer APIs that are in Lollipop. Which is another big deal.
All this news lately on Samsung’s Galaxy S6 actually has me really excited for Samsung’s announcement – likely at Mobile World Congress in early March – and I’m not usually all that excited for their announcements. So hopefully 2015 is a good year for Samsung.