We have been waiting to hear what T-Mobile’s newest madcap venture would be in their latest Un-carrier move (this time it is Un-carrier 8) and now the details are starting to roll out…in fact maybe ‘roll-over’ would be more appropriate. As the latest move by the folk over at T-Mobile is being dubbed ‘Data Stash’. In short, T-Mobile are making sure that customers do not lose any data they pay for.
It is commonly known that carriers like to make sure they sell you as much data as then can. The more you buy, then the cheaper it becomes. That said, people can only use so much. You can of course pay the very highest rate and then get ‘unlimited’ but half the time this is not true unlimited and at the same time you are paying the most for a bunch of data that you might not ever get through. End of the month rolls around and the carrier confiscates all your unused data again. You bought it, but you do not own it. This is a commonly known practise in this industry and this is where T-Mobile is hoping to make an impact. In short, making sure you keep what you pay for. As T-Mobile President and CEO John Legere eloquently puts it “Can you imagine your gas station siphoning unused gas from your car each month?”
So starting from January 2015, if you are a T-Mobile customer you will be able to take advantage of Data Stash. This means that any data you have at the end of your billing cycle will remain yours and be entered into your data piggy bank, your ‘Data Stash’. According to Legere, your data stash will not expire and there is no limit to how much data you can store in there. To add to this and to get the whole thing rolling, Legere added that all T-Mobile customers will start their Data Stash with a free 10GB of 4G LTE data thrown in by T-Mobile. At the end of the month, T-Mobile will round up your unused data to the nearest MB and it will automatically be rolled over to the next month. It is worth noting though, your data will not roll-over forever and instead data will have to be used within a year of when it was first stashed. So all in all, not a bad little move by T-Mobile and one that is certainly un-carrier like. Are you looking forward to Data Stash?