For those who live in the US. and interested in HTC, it has been an interesting day. Very early this morning, HTC released a press release which detailed their newly launched UH OH plan. This was, in short, a plan to help you overcome those instances in which an ‘uh oh’ moment might occur. So if you were to break your device (meaning cracked screen or damaged by water), then HTC would provide you with a replacement device. What’s more, there would be no cost involved to the consumer. So, not bad if you were thinking about picking up a new HTC One M9 following the reported April 10th U.S. launch date.
Well, following the initial press release, HTC also took part in a special live stream event today which was primarily designed to bring more attention to the current UH OH plan. As such, a couple more details was revealed. One of those details was the news that the plan is being extended to also include the HTC One M8. So in short, if you are to buy a One M8 (instead of a One M9) after April 10th (and before August 31st), you will be covered by the same UH OH guarantee. If anything happens to your device, then you are covered. Again, not bad for those interested in picking up the One M8. Especially when you consider the device is now no longer the current flagship model.
Another notable piece of information which emerged about the plan, is HTC state if you pick up the HTC One M8 or One M9 in the next few months (following the April 10th date) and do not claim on the UH OH plan, then they will offer those users a $100 discount off of their next HTC phone purchase. With devices seemingly escalating in their outright (and on-contract) prices, any form of peace of mind is a valuable thing. As such, any additional help to ensure devices are protected against accidents is probably a good move.