When it comes to product marketing, few smartphone manufacturers can compete with Samsung. They are well-versed in marketing 101 and have set the tone year-after-year with their various marketing campaigns. The South Korean tech giant was also one of the few who could ‘take it to Apple‘ when it came to marketing. In fact, some of their most successful marketing approaches, were ones which directly took aim at Apple and their iPhone. With the recent release of their latest flagship devices, the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge, Samsung’s high push on marketing has continued, with what seems to be a sustained promotional campaign.
The same cannot really be said for HTC. Like Samsung, HTC do push forward with their marketing and have done so with their latest offering, the One M9. This campaign (again like Samsung’s) has involved the release of a ton of One M9 videos. That said, unlike Samsung, a lot of HTC’s videos seem to miss the mark and sometimes by quite some way. At the very least, a number of the videos have left the viewer (potential customer) somewhat confused. A prime example of this came a few months back, when HTC suddenly released their own rap music video.
Well, it seems HTC is not quite finished with their latest One M9 marketing campaign, as the company has now released a new video. Like the rap video, this one is likely to leave a number of viewers slightly confused and maybe even a few thinking the video goes a little too far. That is because, strangely, the video assumes the position that owning the One M9, is a solution to depression. Or more specifically, phone depression or what HTC refers to as “By-phonal Displeasure Disorder”. Not to mention, the video also seems to take direct shots at Samsung and Apple with the other mentioned issues a phone user might be suffering from being ‘SAD’ (Samsung Affective Disorder) and ‘iOS’ (Irritable Operating System). This is a slightly weird tone for HTC to take with their latest promotional push and is bound to cause some controversy. Either way though, you can check out the video for yourself by clicking play below.