Sponsored App Review: Cinntich

Cinntich is an Android app that makes it easier remembering important notes and makes sure that you don’t forget something important when next on the phone with someone important. The app is simple in that all you need to do is assign a note to a particular contact and then the next time that you’re on the phone with this person, you’ll be reminded with this note. You can set multiple notes for multiple contacts as well, making Cinntich a sort of digital secretary, allowing users to plan ahead.

To get started with Cinntich, users just need to download it from the Play Store. When they open the app, they’ll be treated to an introduction of how the app works and what it can do for them.

A nice touch with Cinntich is that there are a number of prompts while using the app to help you figure out what to do.

Creating a note is nice and simple, and you can put in it whatever you want, there are no limits on what you can and can’t put in notes. You could put a reminder for when you’re next on a sales call, to ask about upcoming plans or whatever you’d need to remember when on the phone with this person next.

So, in this example here, the next time I’m on the phone with Mr Cameron, I will be reminded of a note. For better or for worse, this is just a simple notification reminder. If that’s what you’re looking for, this is perfect.

There’s no popup or anything like that, it simply takes you to the app, and gives you the opportunity to tick off these notes.

Cinntich is the kind of the app that would appeal to salespeople and those who travel frequently or are away from their desk often. It’s not every type of user that will need to have notes appear depending on who they’re on the phone to, but for those in need of remembering short and simple notes or dates, Cinntich works well. It is a shame however, that the notes don’t appear over any of the phone app or something like that, they just appear as a notification, which then takes you to the app itself. The app definitely has its place for those that are constantly forgetting things when they get on the phone with people. Cinntich is definitely easy to use though, and we’re sure a lot of people will find a lot of uses for this little ability.


  • Speed (4/5) – Cinntich runs nice and quickly, and there are few issues to deal with when it comes to performance.
  • Theme (4/5) – While a little uninspiring, Cinntich’s UI is easy to use and incredibly straightforward, making this an app for all ages.
  • Features (3.5/5) – This is not a new concept, however it is nice and simple, and is easy to use.
  • Overall (4/5) – Cinntich might not be revolutionary, but it’s easy to use, and it will definitely help improve things for a lot of users, that’s for sure.


  • Works well without needing to jump through any hoops or anything like that, as everything is nice and straightforward.
  • Can be a great way of helping secure a new deal, remembering a birthday, pulling up quick information like dates and more.
  • Easy to get setup and you can add multiple notes for more than one contact, making this an app for all ages and skill levels.
  • Free to download and free to use so there’s no barrier to entry.


  • Notes just appear as a notification in the pulldown tray, rather than something a little more helpful.
  • There are apps with similar features on the market.

Cinntich is an Android app that many will find some sort of use for and those that find themselves in need of pertinent information there and then, like dates and notes about a character, Cinntich can be of great help. It’s a shame that the notes don’t offer the pop-up feature, but they do get the job done. Besides, this is a completely free app.