Valve is a massive company and development team. The company has brought out classic titles to consumers over the years and has even launched a successful PC client and marketplace where consumers can purchase and install the latest video game titles instantly. Half-Life is possibly the biggest video game title and franchise released under the Valve corporation and while we sit patiently awaiting the third installment to the series, we’ve seen the original titles to the franchise receive re-releases, fan remakes and even get ported to platforms across the board. Today we’re learning that one person managed to get the original Half-Life video game to run on Android Wear. Check out the video down below to see it in action.
Half-Life is a video game where players take control of Gordon Freeman, a theoretical physicist for the Black Mesa Research Facility. Gordon finds his normal daily routine go out of whack when the research facility creates a dimensional rift that allows alien creatures to breach into Gordon’s world. Overall Half-Life received positive feedback between critics and fans alike which stirred the video game to receive a fairly nice treatment with different market releases through the years. Now we can unofficially add Android Wear as a platform for the video game although after witnessing the video, there’s really no reason as to why you would want to bring the game onto a smartwatch.
Dave Bennett uploaded a video to show that Android Wear can run Half-Life. While experimenting with the video game on Android Wear, he found that the frame rate would go as high as 60fps and as low as 2fps but the audio was consistent throughout. This proof of concept was achieved through the SDLash application that emulates GoldSource engine, the engine Half-Life would be able to run on. As mentioned, there’s really no reason as to why someone would download and go through the guide of installing Half-Life to Android Wear. Because a smartwatch has a very limited amount of display to input controls and movement, the game is essentially unplayable. Nevertheless, if you would like to try the game out for yourself then you can simply follow this guide that Dave Bennett has supplied.