Every year, Samsung adds more and more features to the Galaxy Note 5. Many of which take advantage of the stylus, known as the S Pen. This year is no different. There are a number of features here which Samsung added, and didn’t even mention during their press conference earlier this month. One is the fact that you can take a scrolling screenshot, or scrolling capture. This is something we’ve had on our desktop browsers for quite some time now. Where you can take a full scrolling screenshot of a web page. Now you can do that on your smartphone, well at least you can on the Galaxy Note 5.
Unfortunately, this does require the S Pen to be used. So if you got yours stuck by putting it in the wrong way, then you’re out of luck. It also won’t work on the Galaxy S6 Edge+, unfortunately. So here’s how to do it. Pop out your S Pen, and Air Command should open up. From there you’re going to select “Screen Write”. Now before you do this, make sure you are on a page or screen that you want to take a screenshot of. A webpage is a good example, and so is the settings app. Now, the device will take the screenshot. In the lower-left-hand corner, you’ll see an option for “Scroll Capture”. Just tap on that, and it’ll scroll down and capture some more of the screen. Now you’ll just keep hitting “Capture More” until you’ve captured everything you want to capture. Once you’re done, hit “Done”.
Now that you’ve made your scrolling screenshot, you can write on the screenshot as is normal with the S Pen. But you can also choose to share it, save it in your scrapbook or the gallery. If you choose to save it in your scrapbook or gallery, you’ll then see a notification about the scrolling capture. From there you can view it, as well as edit and share it. And that’s about it really. These screenshots are a bit bigger than normal screens, some coming in as big as 2.41MB in size. We have a nice video down below for you, showing you exactly how to take a scrolling capture.