The Big Changes At Google Didn't Come Out Of Nowhere

Yesterday marked a very big day for the search giant, Google as the company went through a huge reorganization yesterday. Said reorganization seemed to hit the technology community, and the whole world for that matter, completely out of nowhere. Sure it takes time and planning for something like this to take place within a company, but it turns out that Google may have been planning this for quite some time.

First off, what changes did Google make yesterday? Well, Sundar Pichai was promoted to CEO of Google, which is now owned by a new parent company called Alphabet. This new parent company, Alphabet was created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin who are now the CEO and President of the company. Not much is going to change on the Google side of things, though. All of the current services that Google has created are still going to exist and be overseen by Page and Brin, such as Ads, Maps, and Android.

As all of this news broke yesterday, media outlets scrambled to get stories out about it as it seemingly came out of the blue. But, Business Insider is now reporting that Google may have been planning this dramatic change for as long as four years. This coming from a former Google executive who told Business Insider that “This has been discussed for the last four years.” He then continued on to say that some of the details are a bit different then were discussed before, but that the general idea is still the same.

The same former Google executive also said that the idea originated from a senior executive at Google, Salar Kamangar. He supposedly pitched the idea in a meeting with the executive team at Google about four years ago and has been working to make it become a reality ever since then. He even worked very closely with Larry Page on the idea as Page would reap great benefits from the reorganization. “He doesn’t have to come into the office anymore, he doesn’t have to be the tie-breaker anymore, he doesn’t have to show up to events anymore,” says the Business Insider source. The reorganization will essentially allow Page to take a step back and do his own thing while still being involved with Google.

The creation of Alphabet and its link to Google will allow for the creation of some pretty amazing projects and entirely new companies. It gives Larry Page and Sergey Brin a bit of the creative freedom back that they have lost at Google as it has become a technology and search giant.