Samsung To Order Less High-End Mobile Components In Q4 2015

Samsung and Apple are the two biggest smartphone manufacturers in the world. The Korea-based company has already released their flagship offerings for 2015, and same can be said for the Cupertino tech giant. Samsung has unveiled their Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge flagship smartphones back in March, and Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+ phablets last month. Same can be said for the company’s tablets actually, the Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 and 9.7 tablets are already unveiled and available for purchase. So, is Samsung going to release another high-end handset before the end of this year? Well, it’s possible, but it seems like the company certainly won’t be heavy on releases until next year, read on.

According to a report from DigiTimes, Samsung will order less high-end smartphone and tablet components for Q1 2016. They’re also expected to produce less such products in Q4 2015 as well. Apple has recently introduced their iPhone 6S and 6S Plus handsets, as well as the huge new iPad, plus there’s plenty of competition for Samsung in China, so it seems like the company is choosing their battles. Samsung Display, on the other hand, is lowering pricing for their AMOLED technology displays in order to make more manufacturers adopt them. There’s plenty of competition out there in the market, and it seems like Samsung have learned their lesson from last year.

That being said, there were some rumors that Samsung might introduce their Galaxy S7 flagship earlier than expected, in Q4 2015 actually, but that’s highly unlikely. Samsung might announce a couple of more devices before the end of the year, but they already have plenty of high-end products out in the market which they have to market properly, so they’ll probably push their flagship smartphones and tablets quite heavily as far as marketing goes, as they have been doing thus far. It remains to be seen what will happen before the end of the year, but it seems like Samsung is going to take their time and prepare for February / March next year when the company is expected to announce the Galaxy S7, their new flagship smartphone.