Here Are Some Handy Tricks Accessible From Google Search

Google has been improving the looks of their search page over the time, plus it gets customized all the time with the Google Doodles. There are a ton of ways to make a search, from the Google app on your smartphone or just simply making Google your default search engine in your browser and then typing certain words on the navigation bar. Still, you could save some time or just have some fun with these tricks that are available on Google Search.

The most recent one allows your mobile device to act like a level instrument so you can hang your pictures on the wall or just help you in home improvement chores, just search for the term “bubble level” in your mobile browser and it will show a graph of a bubble that tilts using the sensors in your device. If you ever wondered which date it was in a certain amount of days, Google can help you figure that out, just type “what day is it in X days” (where X is any number you want) and the search engine will tell you the exact date.

For those with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, you could search for “fun facts” and Google will give you one random fact, if you didn’t find it that interesting or you just want to know more, just click (or tap) on the blue button to ask another question, you could get information regarding presidents, musicians, nature and even pop culture references. For those Star Wars fans, you could get your search results just like the opening crawl in those movies, just type “a long time ago in a galaxy far far away”. Google can even help you find your Android device by typing “find my phone”, it will locate your devices and it can make them ring at full volume so you can just follow the sound. If you have several Android devices, just click on the arrow on the top right corner to find another one. This feature is available in the latest version of the Google app, so be sure to check for an update before you try it.