Google Can Now Help Out With Your Yoga Classes

If, like the vast majority of people that woke with a massive headache on January the 1st, your New Year’s resolution for 2016 was to get fit, then you might have considered Yoga. Thought to be one of the best ways to lose a few pounds while also clearing your head for a healthier wellbeing at work and home, Yoga had a good year last year. Last year saw the first International Yoga Day being held on June 21st and it’s safe to say that 2015 was a big year for Yogis everywhere. A solid foundation to get yourself back in shape, heal injuries and just relax at the end of the day, Google is hoping to help those taking up Yoga with some new Google Now tricks.

A silent update has hit Google, which means there’s no need to update the app on your phone, the new content is available everywhere you have Google. The search engine will now serve up information about Yoga poses, with users able to search for either the Sanskrit name or the Western name. Searching for “Eagle Pose” for instance, brings up some images of the final pose, poses you should try before this one as well as some notes on the pose and a link to Wikipedia. There doesn’t appear to be anything more than just some photographic pointers and such available here, but this is a nice addition to that which Google already offers. We suppose the idea here is for those that already have some experience with Yoga and the different poses to quickly refresh their memory whenever they need to look a pose up or find out the preparatory poses.

Yoga is one of many things that people can do at home or wherever they might be in order to get healthy and clear their heads. Beyond Google’s nice little addition to their search results, there are some excellent YouTube channels out there for Yoga as well as many apps to help people get up to speed on their downward dogs and lotus flowers.