iStaging Offers Virtual Reality Interior Design Ideas

Virtual reality is currently one of the most interesting emerging industries within the mobile market. Besides its obvious benefits to the gaming industry, what is really gaining traction with virtual reality is how widespread the technology could become. As each week passes, more examples of how virtual reality could benefit consumers becomes evident. That said, one of the lesser thought of benefits is home design. In the build up to virtual reality becoming more consumer ready, it seems the home improvement and design industries are proving to be areas which can really highlight the power of virtual reality (VR ) and likewise, augmented reality (AR). Now a new app has recently gone live on the Play Store which further highlights the benefits of these other realities for the consumer and interior design.

iStaging is the new app and this essentially allows the consumer to foresee how their latest project will look before actually beginning. Whether this is simply placing new seating or curtains in a room or completely overhauling an entire property, iStaging looks to bring a more realistic viewpoint to interior design. In its smartphone or tablet state, you can place products in a room and then easily move them around to the position you want and creating the overall look that you are looking for. The app even allows you to look through different pre-made interior designs from known designers for inspiration and also purchase any of the furniture that you see and like the look of. Those making use of virtual reality enabled headsets are able to enjoy a full 360 view of their latest project in its final look, while glancing around the room also allows you to place objects where you want and continue building the design until it matches your requirements.

For those interested, the app is now available through the Play Store and is a free to download app. You can also check out the latest video from iStaging below which highlights some of the features on offer with the app. For reference, the video highlights the use of the app running on a Project Tango tablet.