Square Enix Launches PSX RPG 'Final Fantasy IX' On Android

The Final Fantasy series of role-playing games is revered as one of if not the most captivating RPG franchise of all time, and many of these wonderful gems in gaming history have made their way onto Android devices via the Play Store over the years, including Final Fantasy 1-6 and a couple of games not in the main series, as well as handful of mobile only titles. All of the Final Fantasy ports from consoles so far have been ports of the NES and SNES classics, and even though Square Enix launched Final Fantasy VII on iOS late last year, it has yet to come to Android and it may never make it to the platform.

The consolation prize for fans of the series though has just launched earlier this morning with Square Enix’ publishing of Final Fantasy IX, making this the first RPG in the franchise that launched originally on the first PlayStation console to come to Android devices. Like many FF games before it, FFIX comes in hot at a hefty price of $17. For those that have played the original but may not still own it, this is a small price to pay for a bit of nostalgia. Of course, this is a hard pill to swallow if you own a PS Vita and can obtain a digital copy of the game at a much lower cost.

It’s worth remembering though that whether or not you can pick it up on PSP or PS Vita, having it available on an Android smartphone is arguably the most portable way to play it, thus increasing its appeal for the fans. Although much won’t have changed with this version of the game from the original you may know, there are a few modernized perks like Google Play Games achievements, added game boosters like an increased game speed and the ability to turn off encounters (just like with FF VII on iOS and PS4). Movies and characters models have also been given a high-definition rework so they look smoother and more up to date for modern devices. Other benefits include gamepad support as well as cloud saves, so you can play with touch controls on your smartphone when you’re out and about, then switch to a tablet with a connected gamepad when you’re at home. If you’re looking for something a little more classic than FF IX that will also be lighter on your wallet, youc an pick up Final Fantasy II for free right now through the Final Fantasy Portal app.