T-Mobile Poland: Marshmallow Heading to Galaxy S6/S6 Edge Now

Everyone is expecting news about Samsung’s new flagship phones which will be unveiled in less than two weeks. The Galaxy S7 lineup will most certainly be launched running Android 6.0 Marshmallow, but this version of the operating system is still not running in many handsets sold by the company. Samsung has already released a beta version of the software to a few Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge users in some specific regions, so we know all of the changes that the company included in this update. Even though Marshmallow didn’t bring too many visual changes to the stock version of Android, Samsung gave their TouchWiz skin a whole new look, a new color palette was used and some icons were redesigned. Samsung started rolling out the final build of Marshmallow for the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge, but only in South Korea.

Poland was one of the first countries to see this update in handsets from other companies, and now, T-Mobile Poland has communicated through their official Twitter account that “Android Marshmallow is on its way to our Samsung S6 and S6 Edge”. No specific date was given, but the tweet implies that the carrier has already approved the update for their handsets and it will start rolling out pretty soon. This could also mean that carriers in more regions may be testing the update so they can release it later on.

Marshmallow has been available for a while, but it seems that Samsung took some time to make sure that the update runs very smoothly on their devices. Also, they have been updating some of their apps with compatibility with the new operating system, so when the devices finally get updated the apps would be ready to use. The Galaxy S6 Edge+ and the Galaxy Note 5 will probably be updated shortly after the two aforementioned phones, as they are considered flagship devices as, well. Let’s hope it doesn’t take much longer since all of these devices were considered among the most powerful ones and they could only get better with the new features introduced by Google in Android Marshmallow.