The Samsung Galaxy S6 series and Galaxy Note 5 just cannot catch a break when it comes to getting their Marshmallow updates – Telus has already changed the scheduled date more than once this month. The latest update listing has the Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge, Galaxy S6 Edge Plus and the Galaxy Note 5 all moved to a ‘Delayed” status for their target launch. Our source spoke to their source at Rogers and was told that after an update which rolled out for Samsung devices and broke support for the Voice over LTE (VoLTE), they were being extra cautious and doing more testing for further updates. It is very possible that Telus is following the same path, but the delay most certainly means there must be a problem with the update to throw it in the ‘delayed’ category. When questioned, Telus revealed that an update on a potential release date should be made public next week.
The lack of timely updates, especially from one major release to another, such as the case with Android Lollipop to Android Marshmallow, can be particularly frustrating to a smartphone user. It makes it even more frustrating when you are buying a flagship device, such as the Galaxy ‘S’ series or Galaxy Note series – some of the more expensive devices on the market. When you pay that kind of money for a smartphone and from a major manufacturer like Samsung, a certain level of understanding is likely to be expected. If issuing an update is so difficult, possibly TouchWiz is the problem and changes need to be made to insure that customers get an improved service.
Not all of the blame can be put on Samsung, but that is where it all begins – by the time it gets to the carrier for their testing the software upgrade should be a fairly polished product. Is it the carrier add-ons causing the issue? No matter what the cause, it is better to wait and get a product that will work rather than rush it out early with bugs – which would really upset the users. There has just got to be a better and quicker way to push out updates but that would involve the manufacturers to all use a purer Android, like the Nexus devices.