Verizon Talks Net Neutrality, Calls For "Open Internet"

In the current climate of the Net Neutrality debate, you’d be forgiven for thinking that of all companies affected, wireless carriers may wish that the worldwide push wasn’t around to dictate how they do business. An official challenge has been issued to the FCC ruling by various elements and is currently being talked over in the U.S. Appeals Courts. Things like the controversy over the roll out of T-Mobile’s Binge On or Facebook’s Free Basics getting the boot from India seem to show a tech sphere either directly opposed to the ruling or falling over themselves trying to figure out how to deliver their services optimally and without running afoul of Net Neutrality rules. Although Net Neutrality is aimed at the greater good, it’d be no understatement to say that it’s caused its fair share of complications and wide debates in the business world. Contrary to that picture, however, Verizon’s Executive Vice President Craig Silliman came forward to clarify Verizon’s stance on the matter and let consumers know that they are “committed to an open internet”.

Saying that Net Neutrality and the open web are “…what’s right for consumers and is vital to our business…”, Silliman opened the press release he posted with the argument that their investments in content providers, original content and advertising would all be at risk without an open internet. Since the platforms and services that Verizon has invested in, without Net Neutrality, could be slowed down or blacked out entirely when accessed from other networks, it stands to reason that they would want to protect the movement and further it to the best of their abilities.

Silliman goes on to point out that Verizon will reflect this attitude in their own services and offerings stating whether the ruling on the challenge is in favor of or against Net Neutrality, Verizon will always steer clear of a few key behaviors that fly in the face of an open internet. According to Silliman’s posting, Verizon customers will never have to put up with blocking of lawful content, throttling speeds based on traffic source or content, paid prioritization of content or breaches of a “general conduct standard” made to avoid harm to service providers or users, though further details on this “general conduct standard” were not provided. Verizon’s stance on Net Neutrality and the open web are quite clear, though it remains to be seen if the federal government feels the same way.