There are numerous ways you can check out news these days, unlike before. Internet makes it really easy to check out the latest news, no matter if you go looking for something specific on a news provider site, or you install an app which will push the news your way. The point is, you can set it up the way you want, and then there video news you can check out on TV. Speaking of which, Watchup is a really nifty application which lets you check out the latest news in video format no matter where you are, which brings convenience to the table. This application has been available on Android for quite some time now, but it didn’t have Chromecast support, until now, read on.
Watchup has announced a new update for their Android app which brings along Chromecast support, something many Watchup users have been waiting for. “By launching Chromecast support for Android, Watchup’s goal is to reinvent the very essence of the news watching experience going from legacy television watching — fluffy, loaded with ads and non personal — to a completely redesigned living room experience. Our video news app leverages machine learning, personalization and unique partnerships with the best names in news such as Bloomberg, CNN, The Wall Street Journal and hundreds of other sources,” said Adriano, the founder of Watchup.
So, how does Watchup works? Well, it’s quite simple actually, and it’s quite similar to some news apps out there, though you’re here mainly for the video, not text. Now, once you fire up the app, you’ll be able to choose your areas of interest, based on which the app will throw news your way. The number of news sources on Watchup grows all the time, and it currently has quite a large collection of latest news sources. You’ll be getting news from BBC, Bloomberg, CNET, The Wall Street Journal, ABC, NBC affiliates… and so on. You can schedule notifications in order for the app to let you know when something new is available, and you also have access to the written news articles through the app, in case you’d like to check that out as well. Google named Watchup one of the best apps of 2014, and the app kept growing since then, the Chromecast integration is certainly a welcomed addition.