Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Catches On Fire in the Philippines

So far the second half of 2016 has been a rather difficult time for Samsung Mobile, at least from a PR standpoint given all the negative publicity surrounding the company’s latest flagship phone: the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. Needless to say, many Galaxy Note 7 units have been plagued by battery defects leading to fires or explosions, and the company had to issue a mass recall to try and prevent similar incidents from happening again. The good news is that Samsung fixed the hardware problems and has already replaced hundreds of thousands of Galaxy Note 7 units across the globe, but unfortunately it looks like the company is not out of the woods yet. Reportedly, another Samsung smartphone has caught on fire and unexpectedly, this time around the model affected was a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge.

Samsung seems to be doing everything in its power to mitigate the damage done by the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 to the company’s image, and so far it looks like the tech giant has been doing a fairly good job in this regard. Unfortunately, while Samsung appears to have everything under control in regards to the Galaxy Note 7, a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge owner from Philippines recently took to Facebook to share her story of her smartphone catching on fire. The cause of the explosion is unclear but the good news is that no one was hurt and the owner seems to be very pleased with the way Samsung handled the case. “We went to Samsung store […] and they have refunded my money in full. Kudos to all the staff of Samsung SM Taytay for their immediate action […]”. She added that “In spite of the unfortunate incident, I am, however, impressed by their aftersales-support. Much respect to Samsung”.

This is quite an unfortunate turn of events for Samsung given the recent issues with the Galaxy Note 7, as it may once again put the spotlight on the company for all the wrong reasons. So far the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge has been performing great on the market and from a technical standpoint, but there was one other case of a Galaxy S7 Edge exploding earlier this month when a resident of California suffered injuries and sued the company for it. Earlier this month still, a Samsung Galaxy S7 owner named Sarah Crockett lost her photo gallery when her smartphone caught on fire in a coffee shop in Witham, Essex. These appear to be isolated incidents that don’t follow the same pattern as the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, but either way, they may hurt the company’s image even further.