Verizon Wireless is beginning to push out a software update for the Pixel and the Pixel XL that contain the November security patch among a few other changes. Verizon notes in a recommendation that users should be connected to a Wi-Fi network before starting the update, or make sure that they have a reliable connection to the Verizon Wireless network as any disruption in the update would be less than desirable. The update comes through as build number NDE63X, and alongside the November security patch it also introduces improvements for messaging and Daydream View performance, although it’s worth noting that Daydream View performance might not matter at the moment as even those who have received their Daydream View VR headsets early can’t use them just yet since the companion app needed is not available.
In regards to the messaging improvements, Verizon mentions that this update will mark improvements to the notifications that come through for messages when either the Pixel or the Pixel XL are connected to a Bluetooth system inside the vehicle, so those who have this sort of connection type inside of their cars should notice a difference when messages are delivered to their devices, although how much of an improvement largely depends on how much of an issue there was for each individual. Lastly, the update also includes Mexico as a state option when setting up the Wi-Fi calling feature.
If you haven’t seen the update alert hit your device yet, you can either wait to see if it pushes to your phone later on or you could also check manually to see if the update is available to download by navigating to the settings menu, then the About Phone section and finally by tapping on software updates. This isn’t the only device that Verizon has started updating recently, as they began pushing out the Android Marshmallow software update to the BlackBerry Priv just earlier today. If you have yet to pick up a Pixel or Pixel XL from Verizon but were planning to do so, it was noted that Verizon seemed to be offering a 20% discount on smartphones that were purchased through their online store when using the checkout code SAVE20, and this included the Pixel and Pixel XL. At the time it wasn’t made clear when this deal would end, so there is a chance it is no longer available, but it’s worth looking into if you were interested in either of these devices.