Google is bringing Classroom to consumer Google accounts so that education professionals have more tools at their disposal and more ways to continue interacting with and teaching students. This isn’t just open to teachers though, as Google is making Google Classroom accessible to students with their personal accounts as well, which means they can just as easily access all of their coursework and any other relative information placed within the classroom by their teachers from just about anywhere, so long as a personal Google account and internet is accessible.
This means big things for Google Classroom and big things for the way kids and students of all ages will be able to learn. For example, if a teacher puts together a classroom for students to log in and access notes for an upcoming test, as well as collaborate with other students so they can study and prepare, students who don’t have a G Suite account will able to participate with their own personal account so they aren’t left out of the process. Additionally Google is making it possible for new Classroom users to create their own classrooms in the weeks ahead, though they did not mention a specific date. The Classroom access from personal accounts is available from today though, so those wishing to get a head start will have the option to do so.
While access will now be open to those with personal accounts, this new ability won’t just allow any student or teach to log in whenever they wish. Administrators will still have to allow access to specific users, but luckily admins are getting new controls that will allow them to incorporate users who are trying to access Google Classroom from a personal account, and it will also let them open up access for people who are trying to access the Classroom from a different G Suite for Education domain. This new level of access is Google’s way of taking learning to the next step as they believe that no matter what the learning relationship is between a teacher a student, Google Classroom has the means to make the learning process an effective one that works for everybody.