Download: Play Movies & TV Will Soon Add HDR Markers

Play Movies & TV will soon add HDR markers to their content so that users are aware which items will support HDR (High Dynamic Range). While this isn’t going to be visible in the application just yet it would appear that details were found in the code of the latest Play Movies & TV APK that point to this feature becoming a part of the app at some point down the line, though when Google will end up including it is still uncertain. Of course, the coming inclusion of HDR markers means that the app will also be supporting HDR content at some point in the future too. Whether or not the content will cost the same as HD or SD content is also unclear, but it wouldn’t be shocking to learn that it would actually be a little bit more, as SD, HD, and UHD content within the app all have varying costs.

In addition to HDR content being supported in the app at some point, Google has shifted a couple of things around visually with the app UI on the details pages for content. Now, when you enter to look at the details of a movie or TV show, the share button has been removed from the app entirely and doesn’t seem to have just been moved to a new location.

While not entirely removed, the Wishlist button has been shifted from below the buy button to above it and just below the name of the content on that page, and it’s now called Watchlist, though it remains with the same icon. Other visual tweaks now include a white border that surrounds the content rating as you can see the “TV-MA” marker is now in a white box. Google has also placed the buy button on a separate line from the season selector on TV content and it appears that they’re using a slightly darker color for the box where the episodes are now shown. You can also see this contrast in color changes with the line where you now see the Watchlist button which is a slightly lighter shade than the lines where the episodes are listed, while the color that used to be used for the entire page is now being used only for the section that shows the content name and the thumbnail image. If you’re not on the latest version of Play Movies & TV you can grab the APK file from the button down below.

Download Play Movies & TV 3.24.5 APK