Report Shows Mobile Gamers Prefer Rewarded Ads

A new report shared by mobile advertising platform Tapjoy has revealed that mobile gamers in the United States prefer to have opt-in, rewarded advertisements over other forms of advertisements by a 4-to-1 margin. They also prefer to have their apps to be free which is something that might be obvious from the fact that there is a huge difference between installs of top paid and top free apps on the Play Store. The report has been titled as “The Modern Mobile Gamer: Advertising Preferences Revealed” and focuses on consumers’ preferences regarding mobile advertisements which can be utilized by game devs and advertisers to get maximum revenue by delivering the right kind of ads.

Even though rewarded ads are the most preferred, they also come in different formats where video ads are most liked among users. To be specific, video-based ads are preferred six times more than other formats like surveys, app installs, and playable ads. It further mentions that video ads are usually optional and skippable which means they are a quick and convenient way of earning rewards to unlock various premium contents. If you are wondering exactly how much popular video ads are, the report reveals that over 51% of U.S. consumers are willing to see more than four such ads per day and about 37% are okay with at least six of those.

The report also includes data related to the type of video ads liked by users showing that over half of the U.S. consumers like to see humorous ads, followed by storytelling, product demos, and special effects. Interestingly, ads with sex appeal and celebrities are not as preferred among consumers as someone might expect. Lastly, the report talks about different categories led by Movies & Entertainment at 55%. This report is crucial as it gives a better idea of the direction in which mobile advertisement is heading. It shows that rewarded ads are proving to be more successful for advertisers than before. All the data shared in the report is based on a survey of 2,615 U.S. customers during April 2017. If you would like to read the complete report, you can do so by clicking the source link below.