Chrome Suggests Copied Links in Search on Android Now

Google Chrome has been getting a few changes recently, and the newest one is on its Android version. Now, when you have copied a link and then head to Chrome to search for something, it’ll automatically suggest that copied link you have. This is going to make it easier to copy a link and take it over to Chrome, especially if you’ve copied it then forgot what you were doing (that happens to everyone). It may not be a feature that everyone uses all of the time, but it is definitely a useful feature for Chrome.

This feature will work when you are searching or just typing in a URL (which is usually the same thing in Chrome). It’s unclear if it’ll show more than one URL right now, but it does work quite well in the current versions of Chrome. It actually looks like this feature was added back in April, but most people didn’t notice it until now. It first debuted in the iOS version of Chrome even earlier. Google has recently been bringing this feature to other operating systems, so there’s a good chance that it could be coming to the desktop in the very near future.

Obviously, this isn’t a huge change to Chrome, in fact it’s something that virtually no one even noticed for around 3 months now, so definitely not a huge feature, but still a useful one. Chrome is always getting better and better, between tying in all of Google’s services and knowing basically everything about you, Google continues to make Chrome the best browser out there. By adding tiny features like this to the browser so that users are able to do things quickly and more easily. Google Chrome 59 is where this debuted, and since it launched in April, it should be available to everyone now and installed on everyone’s devices. If not, you can head to the Google Play Store and pick up the update – since it is pre-installed on every Android device, it doesn’t need to be installed. Google Chrome is a pretty great browser that just seems to get better and better with each update.