More Local Suggestions Are Being Tested In Google Search

More local suggestions are being tested in Google Search for some users, with the service displaying relevant search suggestions for various things that it predicts might be something that the user is or is wanting to look for. Things like movie times and translations for words, and in the case of the user from the screenshot below, the latest Bollywood movies, and predicted suggestions on sports. While these are a little more specific to this particular user and seem to revolve around things relevant to India and Indian culture, other users from different regions can probably expect the same thing for suggestions relevant to their region.

For example, predictions for search suggestions revolving around Cricket may not be relevant to you, but that suggestion could be replaced by something that has to do with other sports, like Basketball or Football, or Hockey, or whatever Sport Google search tends to recognize you’re generally interested in. Movie times, too would be something that users should eventually expect once Google starts to roll these out on a wider basis for Search to more and more users, and if you frequently search for movie times then this is likely to be a predicted suggestion that you see pop up.

Since these are meant to be localized there are bound to be some differences in regards to the suggestions that people are seeing, and as mentioned this seems to be just a test and a regional one perhaps at that, so there is a good chance that many users won’t be seeing any of these localized search suggestions at this point in time. That being said there’s no way to know for sure how long it will be before Google sends these out to a much wider base of users outside of a testing group. Google likes to test things thoroughly before rolling things out on a more stable basis, so it could be anywhere from a week to a month or more before a larger group of users have access to these. It’s also possible that Google may end up simply deciding to enlarge the testing group and extend these predictions to more regions.