Twich has just announced that extensions are now available for mobile devices (both Android and iOS platforms), around six months after they were released for desktops. The streaming platform noted that many of its users have requested for the feature to be implemented on its mobile apps, and this functionality permits streamers and viewers to interact in new ways. Twitch noted that not all extensions are already available on mobile since developers will still have to tweak the extensions in order to make them compatible with the platform’s apps. In addition, the streaming platform noted that this functionality will only work with versions 6.0 or newer of the Twitch app, and this feature is now also available on iOS.
In its blog post, Twitch listed three extensions that people can now use on mobile. Among the extensions listed by the streaming platform is the Streamlabs Loyalty, Music, Polls, and Games extension. This tool was created by the startup company Streamlabs and it permits viewers to play mini-games, request songs, enter giveaways, and vote in polls. Another extension that is already compatible with the streaming platform’s Android application is the Schedule extension. This extension was created by Layer One, and it helps streamers inform viewers regarding the next events that will be streamed on Twitch. Through the Schedule extension, viewers could get information like the start and end times of the stream, and the details of the event that will be streamed. Last but not the least, the World of Warcraft Armory extension is also compatible with Twitch’s mobile app. This extension allows gamers of World of Warcraft to automatically share information about the appearance of characters and game progression to their viewers. Twitch noted that more extensions will likely become compatible with its mobile application in the near future.
In order to use the extensions, users should proceed to Twitch’s Extension Manager. The streaming platform detailed on its support site that aside from installing the extensions, people will also have to configure and activate the extensions first before they could be seen on the user’s channel page. Within the last few months, Twitch has also added a number of features, including the ability to stream from mobile devices. Moreover, people may also use Alexa to play Twitch streams and search for new streamers to follow.