Artificial intelligence firm Kimera Systems is hoping to turn the AI world upside down with its Nigel Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), the first of its kind, and will be holding a webinar on May 3 to reveal the technology that drives its supposedly revolutionary creation which will “fundamentally change what it means to live on Planet Earth,” according to the company. Additionally, Kimera will be sharing the solution directly with the Rochester Institute of Technology so that the principles behind it can be integrated into research and lesson plans in related courses. The hope is that Kimera’s breakthrough, the creation of the first working AGI, will eventually lead to an AGI that’s based on a single algorithm and thus able to grow and scale infinitely in all directions through quantum mechanics-inspired Subnet Modeling.
The implications of this revelation are huge; thus far, Kimera is the only company on the planet to create a fully functional prototype of artificial general intelligence. When the company goes public with its findings, larger and more powerful entities, such as academic research departments and big tech firms, will be able to draw on that research and development in order to create their own AGI programs. This means that artificial general intelligence, from a tech consumer and industry watcher standpoint, is going to go from a novelty found only in the Nigel AGI app to a major driving force in AI development practically overnight.
For those not in the know, artificial general intelligence, as a concept, is exactly what it sounds like; an AI program that can learn and grow outside of predefined task sets or parameters. It is, essentially, the closest thing to a humanlike AI that’s possible with today’s technology. While Nigel AGI is the first and thus far only product of this kind to actually be workable and consumer-facing, many have tried, and are still trying, to develop their own spin on the concept. After the big reveal at the early May webinar, more AGI programs are bound to pop up, giving life and variety to a segment previously occupied by only a single player. AGI development will hence possibly skyrocket, as will use cases for it. The endgame, as stated above, is to develop a single perfect AGI algorithm that can create an AGI program so multi-faceted and so teachable that it can reach and exceed human levels of intelligence on a universal scale.