Twitter's Product Head Leaving Company In Reorganization

Twitters Product Head, Ed Ho, is going to be stepping down, and the company named Periscope’s former CEO Kayvon Beykpour as his replacement. Twitter purchased Periscope in 2015, as it looked to leverage Periscope to add more video to its platform. Ho, who has been Product Head since 2016, stated that he was stepping down due to personal reasons, and nothing further was announced in his decision.

Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s CEO, also Tweeted later on in the day that the company is reorganizing how Twitter will work together for the next decade. So there could be some other moves in the executive ranks in the coming weeks and months, depending on what Twitter is looking to do in the near future. Twitter has been under pressure in recent years, as it has struggled to add more active users to the platform. The company has been adding all sorts of new features and has also been focusing heavily on video, which is similar to what Facebook has been doing. And the reason for this is because video ads drive in more revenue then a regular text ad on the site. And with Twitter still growing (or at least trying too), bringing in more revenue is a good thing, especially for shareholders.

The biggest change that users are wanting Twitter to make is, the addition of an Edit button. Simply because everyone is human and sometimes make typos in their Tweets. And being able to edit those Tweets instead of deleting and reposting the Tweet would be much easier. Dorsey has said before that the company is looking at a way to add the functionality into the service, but so far, nothing has been added. It could be a difficult feature to add in, as someone could Tweet something then edit it and change the Tweet entirely. So it’s likely that Twitter would add an edit history, so users can see what the Tweet was originally.