The COVID-19 pandemic is still on the rise, and people across the globe are waiting for its vaccine. Well, as of now, the only way to keep yourself safe from this virus is to wash hands regularly and wear a face mask. Notably, the homemade cloth masks are more effective than normal masks and several health organizations have clarified that masks with valve, are not safe. But, for the fashionistas around the globe, there is no shortage of options to keep up their fashion game, even in this pandemic situation. And a cool new LED face mask by Lumen Couture adds one more option to that list.
In an interview with the Verge, Chelsea Klukas said, “I had the components around, so I put together a quick DIY YouTube tutorial for how to make them. That really blew up, to the point where people were asking me for a ready-to-wear mask.” For the unaware, Lumen specializes in tech-enabled fashion. This includes everything from hoodies, costumes, dresses, and now the focus has shifted towards making tech-enabled masks.
However, one thing that Klukas adds is that she never intends to make a profit from this pandemic situation. This is the reason Chelsea Klukas’s Lumen Couture donated earnings generated from the sales of these LED masks which amounts to around $5,000 to the World Health Organization COVID-19 relief fund.
You can customize the LED on the mask to display drawings, custom text, and even voice inputs
As we have mentioned that this pandemic situation has not gotten the spirits of the fashionistas across the globe down. Moreover, this new LED face mask will help them make a fashion statement. “I think we are seeing the introduction of mask-wearing as a new form of expression. Other fashion designers are picking up on this too, I think we will start to see like the Rolex version of masks,” Chelsea Klukas said.
Talk about customizations you can do in the mask, owners can control what they want to display in the LED matrix display. It could be a drawing, custom text, and even voice inputs with the help of an app. Notably, all the tech components inside the mask can be taken off so that users can wash the masks and reuse them. Once you have removed all the tech-components from the mask, you can use it as a normal mask as well.
The fabric is breathable. It comes with a charging cord and a battery. Besides, Klukas says that this LED mask has been an instant hit in the market and it is her best-selling item out of all the tech-enabled fashion-wear she makes.