Security Tips You Need To Follow If You Are Using An Android Bitcoin Wallet

If you are sure about using an Android mobile wallet to store and make transactions in bitcoins, there are certain points that you need to be aware of. No doubt the Android wallets offer you maximum convenience and ease of use when it comes to using bitcoin wallets, it is important to follow the best safety tips. This article is written to provide you with tips that can benefit you in keeping your bitcoins safe and secure. For additional safety information about bitcoins, you can check the platform called bitcoin loophole updated site.

Bitcoin trading is at all times, and people these days are not too concerned about the cyber-attacks. But bitcoins are one of the costliest digital currency at present. If you want to trade in bitcoins with maximum ease, it is important to keep certain points in mind.
One of the most important points that you need to keep in mind is to use an android app that is affordable and easy to use. Most people look out for the android wallet option in comparison to other desktop wallets, as the Android wallets offer better levels of safety.

So, follow these safety tips if you want to keep bitcoins in your Android wallet safe and secure:

Pin setup

One of the most important points that you need to consider when you are thinking about using an android bitcoin wallet. The PIN should never include your name, date of birth, or any other details that can be easily identified by hackers and spammers. With the number of cyber-attacks rising each day, it is very important to have a strong PIN for your bitcoin wallet. The mobile PIN that you need to choose mostly includes four to six-digit numbers. Thus, try to go for the digits that do not indicate specific information about yourself. The PIN of the mobile wallet is not the only way that will keep your bitcoin wallet, but it will certainly help you to keep your wallet safe from initial attacks by hackers and spammers.

Recovery phase

Another important safety protocol that you need to be aware of while using the Android bitcoin wallet is the recovery phase of your bitcoin wallet. When you are choosing an Android mobile bitcoin wallet, you are provided with a recovery phrase that helps you to access your bitcoin wallet in case your mobile phone is stolen, destroyed, or if your phone is lost. This phrase is pretty unique, and it will enable you to get access to your bitcoin wallet pretty soon. While choosing the phrase, you should be pretty careful, and you should make sure that the phrase does not contain any personal information about you or your loved ones. The personal information about any individual is pretty easy to access because of the huge internet penetration. In addition to this, write the recovery phrase on a piece of paper and store it at a fireproof place. Keeping your recovery phrase safe is one of the most important safety points that you need to take care of. So, instead of storing all your information on your digital devices, it is important to store the information safely in an offline mode.

Don’t store all bitcoins at a single place.

This is one of the most important points that you should know if you are thinking about keeping your bitcoin wallet safe and secure. It is always advisable to diversify your bitcoin wallet storage. This means that not all bitcoins should be stored in the Android wallet; instead, try to keep some bitcoins in your hardware wallet and desktop. This way, if one of your wallets is lost or damaged, you will be able to compensate for the loss as other wallets have bitcoins. So, for better levels of safety and fewer chances of loss, try to diversify your bitcoin safety option.


One of the best options that can help you to keep your Android bitcoin wallet safe is to use a VPN connection. VPN connection helps you to stay away from hackers and spammers, and all your bitcoins stay safe and secure.

All this information and tips about bitcoin safety and tried and tested by millions of people. So, use these tips to keep your Android bitcoin wallet safe and secure.