Windows 10 Android Apps Mirroring Now Available Globally

Windows 10 Android apps mirroring has gotten significantly better in recent weeks. Not to mention much more widely available, which is at least as important as seamless functionality. Of course, we’re talking about a new and improved version of the Your Phone app for Windows 10. Whose global rollout has just been completed, though some users in more exotic locations (relative to Redmond) may still have to wait until Friday to get it.

In order to utilize Windows 10 Android apps mirroring capabilities, you’ll need a PC running at least the October 2018 Update of Microsoft’s operating system. That’s if you want to get technical, of course. In reality, there really is no practical reason not to run the very latest Windows 10 build. Assuming you’re reading this article, that is. But if you do have the luxury of a stable Internet connection and can still think of at least one other reason, save it. Because you’re about as detached from this feature’s target demographic as humanely possible.

Other technical requirements include running the newest build of the Your Phone Windows 10 app, version number 1.20071.88, as well as a device running Android 9 Pie and newer versions of Google’s OS.

Mirror, mirror, on Your Phone, what’s the least stable app to pin to Home?

Finally, you’ll need the elegantly named Your Phone Companion – Link to Windows Android app. You can download it from the Google Play Store – free of charge, of course. The required build, release 2.0, has been available on both smartphones and tablets for a while now. However, on the off chance you’re having issues with getting an update prompt to appear, a fresh reinstall should do the trick.

Just remember to enable the actual Link to Windows functionality by typping its eponymous icon in the Quick Access dropdown menu of your mobile device. The thing above the notification shade that you have to pull down. Whether you join the app’s beta program through the Google Play Store is up to you. As things stand right now, doing so is of little consequence to the end user experience.

Speaking of which, Windows 10 Android apps mirroring lives and dies by your Wi-Fi speeds. Which means that if you’re running a router-level VPN, you may be in for a bad time. Or if your modem is old. Or if your WLAN has been sobbing under the load of your brand new army of IoT gadgetry even before you asked it to cast yet another screen. To say nothing of your smartphone’s ability to actually run apps.

What I’m getting at is that your performance mileage is guaranteed to vary. And while investing in a mesh network will help, so will embracing Wi-Fi 6. Right, as if that’s a cheaper option at the moment. Oh, and if you find all of this talk of new functionality confusing, congratulations for being able to afford a modern Samsung smartphone. As the love story between Windows 10 and contemporary Galaxy devices has been ongoing for a while now.