This Is The Ultimate TV For Cyberpunk Fans But You Can't Buy One

Cyberpunk 2077 may have been delayed from its Nov 19 launch date, but you can still prepare yourself to play it on the ultimate setup with this new TV from Samsung. There’s just one catch. You can’t actually buy the TV.

Instead, Samsung has partnered with Xbox and CD Projekt Red to award this TV and a couple of extra goodies to one lucky winner. So there it is. The only way to get your hands on this TV is by winning a contest.

“What must I do” You ask? The answer to that is simple. The actual different steps of the contest are probably not. Though if you have a mind for puzzles and codebreaking, you might have a chance to edge everyone else out.

The ultimate Cyberpunk 2077 TV is just the tip of the iceberg

As you may have surmised from the image, Samsung isn’t just giving away a limited edition, one of its kind TV. Part of the grand prize is also an Xbox Series X and a copy of Cyberpunk 2077 for that console.

Meaning if you win you’ll be completely prepared to jump into the game the moment it releases. Assuming the prize is shipped out before the game’s new launch date on December 10.

All that said, this is going to be no easy task. At least for most people. And if you’re at all interested in trying your hand at winning, you’ll want to get started now as there are already clues and codes out there to break. Of course you’ll have to find them first. Which will potentially be just as challenging as solving them.

Prepare to enter a digital scavenger hunt

Samsung could just sell this TV or do some sort of a Twitter giveaway, which is what NVIDIA did with its limited edition Cyberpunk 2077 GPUs. But that wouldn’t be very Cyberpunk now would it? Samsung has other things in mind.

The only way to win is to go through a digital scavenger hunt in an alternate reality game that Samsung is calling SamsungQLEDecode.

On the game’s official landing page, there’s little to go on but a series of images and descriptions to hype up fans. As well as a countdown timer that is counting down to the end of the contest where the finalists will compete for the grand prize. There are 5 finalists that compete for the TV and the other prizes in the package.

The contest has also already started, with Samsung hinting that some clues are already out there somewhere. Meaning you may want to start looking if you want a shot at winning. Because things move on to the semi-finalist round as soon as 15 people find the password-protected submission form.

You can read the full rules for the contest here, and view the official contest landing page here. Or you could just buy the regular version of this TV which Samsung already sells through Amazon and other retail partners as well as its own website.

Samsung Q80T QLED TV Series (2020) - Amazon, B&H, Walmart, Best Buy