If you’ve used a lot of phones in the past, then you’ve probably broken your fair share. Well, you either continue using the phone, toss it in the dump, or have it repaired. Based on a new study, it appears that iPhones are the most repaired smartphones on the market. They far surpass Android phones.
Now, this doesn’t mean that iPhones constantly get broken. This is going off of iFixit data. According to a report from Electronics Hub, researchers analyzed data from iFixit. They found the terms that people searched for the most regarding fixing phones and compiled the data to find which phones people searched for how to repair the most.
Ostensibly, the number of times people search for how to fix a phone is proportional to the number of sales that phone had and how long that phone has been on the market. The report found that most of the phones people search for how to repair phones released in the early and mid-2010s. Those phones had much more time to be on the market and be dropped or dunked into water.
iPhones are the most repaired phones on the market, and the champion is the iPhone 4
Electronics Hub put together a list of the 20 most repaired phones of all time, and Apple products dominate the list. The publication used the number of page views each search got to rank them. At the top of the list with 5,192,539 page views is the iPhone 4 from 2010. The fact that this is the most repaired phone probably has to do with the whole “Death Grip” controversy.
This phone had an antenna band in a very inconvenient spot. Holding the phone in your left hand, your palm would completely cover that antenna band causing you to lose signal. So, people have to hold their phones in a different way in order to avoid covering it. Well, it appears that adjusting your grip made it easier for you to drop it.
On this top 20 list, a whopping 16 of them are iPhones. These are the iPhone 4, iPhone 6, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5s, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7, iPhone X, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 5c, iPhone 2G, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, and iPhone SE (First Gen). This is all in descending order of their page results.
What about the most repaired Android phone?
As for the Android phones, we have four Samsung phones. The most repaired Samsung phone is the Galaxy S3 from 2012 (972,558). People loved this phone but had trouble repairing it. Samsung fused several parts of the phone to the body. So, many people using this 11-year-old phone had trouble fixing it. The remaining Samsung phones are the Galaxy S5, Galaxy S4, and Galaxy S6.
Again, these numbers don’t represent how many times these phones received repairs, they represent how many times people searched for how to repair them. More devices on the market mean more opportunity for them to break. Still, it’s interesting to see how certain phones need to be repaired over others based on popularity and controversial events like the whole death grip debacle.