You can now start Instagram Lives only accessible to Close Friends

Instagram users now have the option to start Lives only accessible to members of their Close Friends list. Until now, you could only restrict live streams to individual profiles.

For a while now, Instagram has allowed you to create a Close Friends list. People included in the list can see the Stories and posts (pics/Reels) you upload through that option, while the rest of your contacts cannot. However, the feature still feels a bit lacking in functionality. It seems that Meta wants to start solving this since they announced a new privacy feature related to Lives.

Instagram now allows you to restrict Lives to Close Friends

An option to start Instagram Lives that only your Close Friends can access will now be available. This will help you quickly limit the number of people who can access your Lives, instead of having to waste a lot of time adding each individual profile to the restricted list. If you have thousands of followers, hiding your live streams from a certain audience could become a rather tedious process.

The new feature to restrict Instagram lives allows up to three people from your Close Friends list to join. According to Meta, this will allow you to quickly start more intimate Lives to organize things or do collaborative tasks. It would even open up new monetization possibilities for creators. They could offer private Lives for followers who pay a subscription, for example.

Instagram has also added other new features. Among them is the possibility of adding music to carousel posts that include videos. Until now, you could only do it with posts that included images. In addition, they remembered that the Notes feature also supports videos. This is something that many were unaware of, since most only uploaded music or text in their Notes. So, the company wanted to remember how to get the most out of Instagram features.