Samsung Working On Galaxy S III Refresh With Better Display, Wireless Charging

While the Galaxy S IV may be what everyone is focused on right now,  Samsung appears to have yet another Galaxy S variant in its plans. According to a new report from Eldar Murtazin, a Russian journalist who successfully pegged the Galaxy S IV event date,  Samsung is planning to release a new and improved Galaxy S III variant sometime soon. The device is not expected to be revolutionary by any means, but it will offer some solid improvements here and there. According to the report, the device will offer a “better display” with a higher resolution than the current model, as well as support for wireless charging, and a larger battery. The battery is said to be 2,400mAh, up from the 2,100mAh power pack found in the current Galaxy S III. In reality, though, the battery will probably not provide noticeably better performance, assuming the higher resolution display turns out to be true.

It makes perfect sense that Samsung would do something like this. The Korean company released a Galaxy S Plus and Galaxy S Advance following the release of the original Galaxy S series. After the Galaxy S II was released, Samsung released a Galaxy S II Plus. The Galaxy S III Plus is a logical guess as to what Samsung may have in its product plans, if past behaviors are any suggestion.

The Galaxy S III Plus will most likely never see the light of day in the U.S., though. Carriers here will be purely focused on the Galaxy S IV as soon as it’s unveiled, and obviously do not want ot field questions about whether the Galaxy S III Plus or Galaxy S IV is better. It will most likely be sold in other markets around the world, though. Especially those who will not be offered the opportunity to sell the company’s latest flagship.

Should the Galaxy S III Plus actually come to fruition, a whole other debate will undoubtedly take place. Why do manufacturers feel the need to release pointless variants of their devices? Do they really provide that much benefit? Samsung also runs the risk of confusing its customers, should it release the device so close to the launch of its 2013 flagship. What do you think? Let us know down in the comments!

Source: Eldar Murtazin