Google has been receiving a lot of buzz from its Project Glass adventure, even though it has yet to even hit any consumer’s. The company stopped accepting applications for its explorer edition of Glass earlier this week, and recently wrapped up a contest on Google+ and Twitter, during which it gave more than 8,000 people the option to purchase the glasses for $1500. Given all the publicity Google is getting from this venture, it seems understandable that other companies would also want to enter the wearable computing field.
According to analyst Brian White, Microsoft may be the next major company to launch a pair of internet connected glasses to the public. In a note to investors, he explained that he expects Microsoft to launch their internet connected glasses sometime in 2014, while he also expects Apple to launch a wrist watch of some type. He predicts that Google’s Project Glass will launch before Microsoft’s glasses. Overall, White believes that Google has given the wearable computing industry the kickstart it needs to make devices consumers will like and purchase.
“It appears to us that Google has made significant breakthroughs around software applications as it relates to this new product,” he said. “As such, we believe this initiative will kick off a major push into the field of wearable electronics and therefore will be closely scrutinized.”
If Microsoft can truly revolutionize in the wearable computing field, then it could certainly catch on with consumers. If its glasses are garbage, though, then there is no way they sell well. Apple has proved that you don’t have to be first to be successful in the technology field. If Microsoft is rushing its product, trying to get it out before Google, then it will most likely be poor. Really, we don’t even know if internet-connected glasses are something the average consumer is interested in.
How would Metro fare on a pair of glasses? Maybe you could move your eyes left and right to move throughout the homescreen? Well, as I try that, it becomes quite painful, so maybe not. What do you think of the whole internet connected glasses thing? A fad or something consumers are truly interested in?