It’s no secret that HTC has been having more than its fair share of struggles recently. A year ago, when it launched the One series of devices, including the One X and One S, the company expected to be propelled back to domination in the Android market, but even though they were decent devices, the One series faltered and ultimately did not sell all that well. This time around in 2013, however, HTC once again thinks it has cracked the code of the perfect Android device with the HTC One. However, Samsung also thinks it can hold onto its lead thanks to the Galaxy S4.
The One has had several advantages so far, including coming to market first, very good reviews, and a beautiful design. The Galaxy S4 has had a rocky launch, as it has reportedly been very buggy and slow for some users and has received criticism for its all plastic design. But, the only thing that matters is how well each device sells, and according to a new report, the Galaxy S4 is yet again outselling the HTC One.
According to a survey of 20 Los Angeles AT&T and Sprint stores conducted by The Examiner, the HTC One has been “selling well, but not as well as the Samsung Galaxy S4.” While it’s very good news to HTC that its device is selling well, its ultimate goal is to make its One brand more well-known than the Galaxy S brand, which doesn’t appear to be happening so far.
As far as returns go, the blog reports that the HTC One has been seeing more returns due to dead pixels and blown out speakers. “The HTC One seems to have a problem with dead pixels and blown speakers, but it’s not a major issue to our customers yet,” a reliable store representative told the Examiner.
The HTC One has been available from some carriers since as early as April 19th, while the Galaxy S4 launched April 27th from some carriers, but is still a hard find for many people.
Have you seen either of these devices out in public yet? I haven’t, but iPhones seem to dominate my city. Let us know down in the comments!