Feedly Pro Launches to All
Feedly has become the go-to RSS reader since Google Reader died back in July. They’ve grown pretty quickly and the company has begun to offer a premium tier which starts at $5 per month or $45 per year. Some of the features in the paid version of Feedly include searching and HTTPS.
Samsung to launch a Galaxy Tab 3 Kids Edition?
Samsung has been known to launch very many devices. It seems like everyday Samsung is announcing something new. This time it looks like we’re going to see a kids edition of the Galaxy Tab 3. You know the tablet with budget specs but a mid to high-end price tag.
Galaxy S4 Exynos 5 Octa hits NewEgg for $619
The unlocked Samsung Galaxy S4 runnin on their Exynos 5 Octa chip has just landed at Newegg. It’s on sale for $619. Yes it’s unlocked, which means you’ll be able to use it on AT&T, T-Mobile or any other GSM carrier. It will not work on Sprint and Verizon, however.
Koush Talks about the Chromecast Controversy
Koush’s Allcast app for Chromecast has had it’s functionality broken yet again by an update from Google. Here’s what Koush had to say about it:
Google TV (yes, Chromecast is from the GoogleTV team) has a storied history of releasing closed off products, only allowing access to select partners and media companies. I was fairly certain that Chromecast would be no different. My suspicions were confirmed today.
…Chromecast shipped with no default media player app, or any way to play your own content. As I demonstrated, this is actually very easy to implement. The fact that it did not ship with this by default was likely calculated. They don’t want you playing your own content.
Chromecast had a “GoogleCastSample” app that could be leveraged as a default media player. Many developers started using this. One week after release, GoogleCastSample was disabled.
…What this all points to: The Chromecast is just a Google TV in a smaller form factor. Yet another box from your TV that delivers the same old tired array of big media apps that you can find on any other cable/tv box. I already have 5 of such boxes (2 Xbox, 2 Apple TV, 1 Roku).
I don’t need another box to do this. I want a mainstream, open platform, that I can connect to my TV. That would be new. That would be different.