HTC One Arrives Today at Verizon Stores for August 22 Release: Silver Models and Reports of Black, but no Blue in Sight

We know more about the HTC One than anybody has a right to know – it has been selling at AT&T, Sprint, & T-Mobile for the past 3 months, and all specs and reviews are old news. Old that is, except to Verizon customers, who have impatiently waited for this HTC flagship phone; it’s almost as if Verizon could not decide whether or not they wanted to sell the HTC One, since they had already released the Droid DNA by HTC that had very similar specifications and slightly larger display, 5-inch vs. 4.7-inch.

These next few days should be very busy over at Verizon; their new Droid MAXX and Droid Ultra went on sale today and many people on our forums have let us know they were picking one up, one even posted on their way home that they had a Droid Ultra in the backseat. Then in two days, the HTC One will be released, one day later the Moto X should arrive, and then Droid Mini is scheduled for release on August 29, not to mention a couple LG models thrown in the mix.

We have reports that the HTC One has already arrived at Verizon, first only in Silver and then the Black model was spotted, but no Blue at this time. Verizon will have the first HTC One in the U.S. with Android 4.2.2 and will sport 32GB of storage. The two-year contract price is $199.99, same as AT&T and Sprint models, and, thanks to a tweet from Verizon, we know the off-contract price will be $599.99.

If you are a Verizon customer in the market for a new phone, this is like Christmas in August. With the new Droids here today and the Moto X coming in three days, will you pick up one of those or are you waiting for the HTC One? And then there is also the Droid Mini arriving by August 29…decisions, decisions. Let us know what you plan to do.