Report: Samsung Reducing 10.1-inch Tablet Component Orders

A few years ago, we all loved these 10-inch tablets like the Galaxy Tab, the Transformer, and maybe even the iPad. Yes, I do know some Android fans that own iPads and love them. Recently, we’ve seen demand for the 10-inch tablet plummet, mostly due to the Nexus 7 that Google introduced to us last year.  Since then everyone has been trying to make an awesome 7-inch tablet to compete with the Nexus 7, and many have failed. But no one has failed as much as Apple did with the iPad Mini. Some of you may think I’m wrong but a 7.8-inch tablet with a dual-core processor and a 1024×768 resolution display for $150 more than the 1280×800 resolution Nexus 7 is a big fail in my book.

It seems like now Samsung has even begun to understand why 10-inch tablets aren’t selling as well anymore. New reports are indicating that they have reduced the orders for 10-inch tablet components.

Samsung Electronics has reduced orders for components used in 10.1-inch tablets, according to Taiwan-based supply chain makers, because 10.1-inch tablet sales have been far below expectations due to strong competition from 7-inch models.

10-inch tablets are great in some circumstances, 7-inch tablets are just so much more portable. Although the Nexus 10 is pretty darn portable as well. It’s thin and crazily light. This leads us to believe that we may not see a Galaxy Note 10.1 II. Which is good for those that don’t love having a huge Verizon logo on the back of their tablet. We will probably see more emphasis on the Galaxy Note 8.0 and the Galaxy Tab 3’s that are smaller in size. There’s also talk about Samsung working on a 12.2-inch tablet. Which might be worse than making another 10-inch tablet. Although I think a 12-inch tablet would be great for playing games with the family, or even watching movies, but as a personal tablet, not so much.

How many of you prefer 7 or 8 inch tablets over the 10-inch tablets now? Let us know in the comments down below.