This is a great comparison today with the “big brother” Motorola Moto X versus its newest sibling released today, the Motorola Moto G. Designed for slightly different markets, yet they are very similar in size and even specifications. Both devices seem to have very underwhelming specifications, especially the higher priced Moto X, when compared to the competition. However, Motorola has made believers out of those that overlooked the specs and purchased it regardless of the techies and naysayers. Motorola (and Google) have optimized the software and hardware to prove that you do not need the top-of-the line specs to have a fast and smooth operating smartphone.
The displays are similar, in fact the Moto G, at 329 ppi, is actual slightly higher than the Moto X’s 316 ppi, due to the fact that the Moto G’s 4.5-inch display is slightly smaller compared to the Moto X’s 4.7-inch. The physical size is almost identical with the Moto G weighing a little more, 130g versus 143g. Both devices have the edge-to-edge displays and a slightly curved back to give a firm grip in your hand – very similar indeed.
Motorola Moto X
The Moto X was mostly praised by the reviewers, I know we here at Android Headlines like it and we were surprised by how nice it was considering its specifications. What really made it shine was the fact that even though it had a little Moto Blur on it, the experience was almost like pure Android. The other software also made it shine, such as Touchless Controls, Active Display, and Motorola Assist. You can also customize you Moto X with MotoMaker that seems to be up and running now at the networks.
It only has a dual-core processor, but Motorola has worked with it using what they call X8, that makes it run faster than the specs would belie. It does have 2GB of RAM versus the 1GB in the Moto G and there is no 8GB model (thank heavens), the battery is slightly larger by 130mAh, and the camera is 10MP versus 5MP on the Moto G. The price here is a factor as the Moto X must be purchased on the two-year contract in order to get the $199 pricing.
Motorola Moto G
You could tell at Motorola’s announcement today that they were damn proud of the Moto G and the direction or philosophy that the Google/Motorola team have adopted – make a high quality smartphone, with decent specifications, with almost pure Android, and sell it off contract for a reasonable price. This way the masses can afford a great smartphone experience without having to spent several hundred dollars.
The specs are excellent for this type of smartphone and they concentrated in the areas that the consumer is most interested – display, performance, options to customize (not MotoMaker) with colored Moto Shells, earbuds, and battery concerns. The specs are certainly a little lower than the Moto X, but for the price and its intended audience, it is perfect.
…And the Winner is…Motorola Moto G
I had to go with the Moto G based on value for your dollar – where else can you get a phone of this quality, off contract and unlocked for as little as $179 – $199 – no where. Motorola took their Moto X and reworked it to produce an exciting product, if not specification wise, then certainly value wise. We have to tip our hat to the new Google/Motorola combination and it makes me excited to see what they bring out next.
Let us know in the comments or on Google+ what you think of the new Moto G and if you might want to give it a try out.