Samsung Makes Price For Gear 2 and Gear Fit Official Price, Is It too Late?

The smart watch market quite possibly has been given the speed boost it has begged for in the form of Android Wear. The official announcement of Android Wear showed off what many people seem to think is the slickest, and sexist smart watch we have seen to date, the Moto 360.Now, Samsung may be feeling the heat from this device that’s on fire all over the place. How does Samsung respond to this news that has the world buzzing? Well with the official announcement of pricing for their very own Gear 2 and Gear Fit of course.

It has become very hard over the past few days to talk about smart watches and not bring up the Mot 360, or Android Wear. That is bad news for Samsung, especially since they had such a hard time with their first take on a smart watch, the Galaxy Gear. After Samsung’s announcement at Mobile World Congress 2014, everyone was excited more so for the Gear Fit, than the Gear 2. However, that was the focus, and it was believed that many people would be trying the new Gear 2 as well as the Gear Fit, well at least those with Galaxy smart phones.

Then walked in the Moto 360, and now it seems as though people are saying “Gear what?” So in order to possibly remain relevant, or just because they felt it was time, Samsung announced the pricing for the Gear Fit and the Gear 2. If you remember, pricing was the only thing the Samsung launch event was missing. They had everything from smartphones and watches, to an orchestra but pricing must’ve just called out sick that day. Well it is back on it’s feet, and without further ado, the Gear 2 comes with a price tag of $295. The Gear Fit will come with a price tag of $197, but the Gear 2 Neo is still absent.Though the Gear 2 is in about the same failing price range as the original Galaxy Gear, possibly features alone will sell the device. Though it could go completely the opposite way with this year smart watch market showing more and more options to the consumers. Competition will be stiff for the Gear 2 and Gear Fit, so they could’ve already messed up with pricing, only time will tell. The Gear Fit could be a different story.

The Moto 360 could fall short in the health department, though there has been no official word as of yet. Android Wear will provide support for health sensors and monitoring, but it will be up to the OEMs to implement the option. The Gear Fit, is basically a health monitor before anything else, so it could see less competition from the major OEMs. Again, only time will tell, and we will just have to watch what happens as the year continues. We have said before and we will say again, 2014 is the year of the smart watch. Do these price points excite you, or can you not get the Moto 360 out of your mind? Speak up down below, or on G+.